
Donate for Meds


Donate for Meds

As we prepare to take HOPE, HELP, and HEALING to the people of the Dominican Republic, we can still use your help.

Donate towards the purchase of medicine.


Who we are

Here at Hope International, our desire is to reach the people of the Dominican Republic and other nations with the compassion of Christ. We do this primarily with the modern healthcare of the United States. That coupled with our teams of compassion and prayer, we are able to reach thousands and make a difference that few organizations can.

Will you join us to take Hope, Help and Healing to people who desperately need you and all of us together to meet their medical, physical and spiritual needs!

Who we are

Here at Hope International, our desire is to reach the people of the Dominican Republic and other nations with the compassion of Christ. We do this primarily with the modern healthcare of the United States. That coupled with our teams of compassion and prayer, we are able to reach thousands and make a difference that few organizations can.

Will you join us to take Hope, Help and Healing to people who desperately need you and all of us together to meet their medical, physical and spiritual needs!


About Hope


Hope International Ministries is a non profit organization committed to bringing hope, help and healing to hurting humanity. How you ask? We take caring individuals, just like yourself to the inner reaches of impoverished countries to meet the physical needs of the people, first through medical care and then by providing basic essentials like hygiene items, shoes and clothing.

About Hope


Hope International Ministries is a non profit organization committed to bringing hope, help and healing to hurting humanity. How you ask? We take caring individuals, just like yourself to the inner reaches of impoverished countries to meet the physical needs of the people, first through medical care and then by providing basic essentials like hygiene items, shoes and clothing.


About Hope 2

Then we introduce them to a loving savior, Jesus Christ.  Our model is that of Jesus himself.  He would first meet the physical needs of people around Him, healing the blind, deaf and hurting.  Only then would He ask people to follow Him.  

About Hope 2

Then we introduce them to a loving savior, Jesus Christ.  Our model is that of Jesus himself.  He would first meet the physical needs of people around Him, healing the blind, deaf and hurting.  Only then would He ask people to follow Him.  

What Pastors Are Saying

Pastors, Missions Directors and church leaders always have difficulty choosing the thousands of missions organizations and missionaries that need financial support.  To help you make an informed decision, we compiled just a few of the hundreds of pastors and churches that have attended our trips or had Hope International in their churches. 



What Pastors Are Saying

Pastors, Missions Directors and church leaders always have difficulty choosing the thousands of missions organizations and missionaries that need financial support.  To help you make an informed decision, we compiled just a few of the hundreds of pastors and churches that have attended our trips or had Hope International in their churches. 




HOPE At Your Church

Kurt and Debi Holthus are full-time missionaries that are passionate about pouring into the local church.  We know that finding the right missions organization to support, that also fulfills the vision of your church, is important.  Kurt and Debi Holthus know that first hand.  With over 25 years of pastoring experience, their heart is to encourage, build up and challenge the local church with passionate, full gospel preaching.  Listen to some other pastors that had the same concerns before inviting Hope International Ministries into their church. 


Pastor Dan Betzer

The Senior Pastor of First Assembly of God in Ft. Myers, Florida, is Dan Betzer, ordained 53 years ago, and a life-long veteran of broadcasting. He is known not only as a pastor but as a writer, television and radio host, and district and national executive with the Assemblies of God.  


Pastor Steve Chavez

Pastor Steve and his wife Bonnie are the Senior Pastors at Pueblo Praise in Pueblo Colorado.  Their heart for people and the things of God are evident in the way they lead their growing and dynamic church in Pueblo.  Steve is also known as coach.  His passion for sports and leading young people on and off the field makes him a magnent in his community.  


Pastor Shawn Marsack

Shawn is the Executive Pastor at Bridgewood Church in Clarkson, Michigan.  Shawn also serves as our website builder and lead media developer.  Bridgewood Church is a thriving church outside of Detroit Michigan that is focussed on reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  


What Pastors Are Saying 2

What Pastors Are Saying 2

Pastor Richard Crisco

Richard Crisco is committed to hosting the Presence of the Lord, winning souls and impacting his community.  He is dedicated to living by example and encouraging men and women to live up to their full potential in Christ.  Richard served as the Pastor of Student Ministries in the midst of the largest revival in America's history at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida. 


Evangelist Tim Enloe

Since 1993, Tim and his wife Rochelle Enloe have traveled in full-time teaching ministry - with a special emphasis on the Holy Spirit.  They are communicators, authors, vocalists and song writers.  Tim and Rochelle are graduates of Central Bible College in Springfield Missouri.  


Pastor Will Bonds

Pastor Will Bonds is a passionate preacher with an amazing love for life and people.  A full gospel preacher with a Worship Pastor background, Pastor Will has a dynamic growing church in a San Antonio Texas.  



We want to encourage you to look deeper at Hope International Ministries. Find out who we are, why we do what we do and where we are going.  

If you've already seen enough and want to partner with us to bring life changing medical help, the compassion of Christ and so much more to hurting people, then click below and support us financially.  Every dollar given helps change lives in the Dominican Republic.  Be a part of something larger than just one person.  We are better and stronger together as we reach people in desperate need.  




We want to encourage you to look deeper at Hope International Ministries. Find out who we are, why we do what we do and where we are going.  

If you've already seen enough and want to partner with us to bring life changing medical help, the compassion of Christ and so much more to hurting people, then click below and support us financially.  Every dollar given helps change lives in the Dominican Republic.  Be a part of something larger than just one person.  We are better and stronger together as we reach people in desperate need.