Just like in any ministry, we run exclusively on donations from churches, businesses and generous people like you.  All of the medicine, clothing, footwear, hygiene items, toothbrushes and toothpaste are all donated from businesses and people who have compassion for people in desperate need.  Many times, we get exactly what we need from year to year.  There are, on occasion, needs that we encounter during our trip and throughout the year.  Below are opportunities for you to partner with us and even help send someone on the trip that may be in need of a little extra help.  

If you are intending to give towards a Team Members trip, those donations must be made through that team member’s Personal Trip URL, not below. Please contact them for their unique link.


Monthly Support

Unfortunately, ministry is not free.  It costs us all something to reach people with the love, compassion and hope of Jesus Christ.  Kurt and Debi Holthus have dedicated their lives to taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to hurting people all over the world. Hope International Ministries was an endeavor of God sized proportions with God sized vision.  Hope International is supported solely by churches, businesses and generous people like you.  Will you consider supporting Hope International Ministries on a monthly basis?  Do you have influence at your church or business and would like to support this ministry?  Hope International not only takes the gospel to hurting humanity but its also a humanitarian effort to bring Premium U.S. Healthcare to needy nations and desperate people.   We appreciate every gift and everyone who supports Hope International Ministries.  Thank you in advance for your support!  

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 Trip Support

Many of our team members raise money to help pay for their trip.  Sometimes young people who are searching for direction or purpose sign up for the trip and need assistance to be able to go.  This is an opportunity for you to be a blessing.  This is an opportunity to change a life.  Be a part of making an enormous impact on someones life today.  

Donate Here!


Med Support

Nearly all of the medicine that we use in the clinics and distribute to other ministries is donated by pharmaceutical companies that don't want to see their life saving medicine go to waste.   We are profoundly appreciative for their donations.  Although the medications are free, the transportation of over 8 million dollars of donated medicine is not.  Each year, we have to truck those meds from their warehouse to our storage facility in Michigan to have shipped to the Dominican Republic or other areas of need.  Will you help us?  It is a yearly cost of $16,000  to get that medicine to the people in need.    

Donate Here!


Shipping Support

Along with the donated medicine, we typically have 1 million to 2 million dollars worth of new clothing, flip flops or shoes, toothbrush and toothpaste, hygiene items, walkers, wheel chairs and other supplies that are given to bless the people and patients we visit each year.  That too has to get to the where it needs to go.  To do that, we have it shipped from our storage facility in Canton MI in a 40 foot long shipping container.  Each year that cost is typically $6700 and is filled with over 10 million dollars of donated goods.  Will you help us get this precious cargo to the people that need it most?  

Donate Here!


Casa DeLuz Special Needs Orphanage

Each and everyday, 40 children wake up, bodies riddled with cerebral palsy, down syndrome or extreme autism. They can’t care for themselves but Pastor Luca and his wife have taken them in and made it their life mission to care and love these special gifts. All government funding of this special needs orphanage has been cut off but WE have the opportunity to make sure they are WELL taken care of. Please consider sponsoring a child, making a monthly donation or helping us collect large diapers for the children of Casa DeLuz

Donate Here!
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Pastor/Pastor's Wives Conference

Our desire is to not only bring much needed, life saving, medical assistance to these precious people, we also want to inject health and vitality into the local church.  Therefore, we hold a pastor and pastors wives conference to encourage and challenge local pastors and their wives.  Each year it grows and is having an eternal impact on the Dominican church.  Last year over 600 pastors and their wives attended, received the new book, Good or God by John Bevere, in Spanish.  Each pastor was also able to take with them several New Testament Bibles in Spanish.  This conference is always a highlight of their year and our trip.  Would you consider helping up in 2017?  

Donate Here!


Construction Support

Over the past 14 years we've remodeled multiple churches, a school, finished a pastors home, built playgrounds and so much more.  Each year, we leave the community better than when we came.  Everything we build, construct, remodel, install or repair is completely free to the church, school, ministry or community.  It's what Jesus would do.  Will you consider partnering with us to continue making a lasting difference wherever we go?  

Donate Here!


Water Support

As you can imagine, almost everywhere we go has a water problem.  Clean water is not always easy to come by so we have to purchase clean water wherever we go.  With 200+ team members, temperatures in the mid 90's and dehydration continually on our minds, water is a very important part of our trips.  Therefore, its also a huge expense for us as we continue to reach people.  Will you consider helping us cover the cost of water?  Each large blue bottle is $5.00 U.S.  

Donate Here!